

Uncommons 是一群致力于公共物品建设的 Web3 爱好者、社会建设者和互联网公民自发组织的公益性社区,前身为GreenPill 中文社区。

Let the encryption trend grow globally | A record of the "Cypherpunk" reading event

More than thirty years ago, Tim Berners-Lee's vision of "the value of the Internet lies in connecting people with people, people with information, and people with the world" has gradually become a global consensus.

Ideas are the greatest common goods#

More than thirty years ago, Tim Berners-Lee's vision of "the value of the Internet lies in connecting people with people, people with information, and people with the world" has gradually become a global consensus.

However, with the deepening development of the digital age, a series of issues such as information security, privacy protection, and excessive censorship are becoming major obstacles to this vision. Geopolitical turmoil and uncertainty pose a huge threat to human freedom of communication and connectivity. It is necessary for us to rethink and explore how to defend the "freedom and openness" of the information age.

As a new emerging force, the encryption trend is challenging traditional power structures and economic orders in the form of innovative concepts and technologies such as DeFi, DeSci, DID, and DAO, and it has outlined a brand new blueprint for the future development of human society.

Exploring the ideological core and social impact behind the encryption trend is not only an important ideological practice but also a matter of human care.

On this occasion, Uncommons and 706 Youth Space conducted a synchronized "Crypto Punk" reading event in 13 cities around the world in March, including New York, Paris, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Dali, etc.

More than 145 participants from different fields gathered together to have in-depth discussions on future topics such as privacy and freedom, encryption technology, open discussions, and actions.


Let the encryption trend grow globally#

In this event, we selected the book "Crypto Punk" written by Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, as the entry point to delve into future issues such as privacy and freedom, encryption technology, open discussions, and actions.






"Why do you want to participate in this book club?"
"What is your understanding of crypto punk?"

Partners from all over the world discussed from these questions.

At the same time, we also found that when real communication can take place offline, even if some partners have little contact or are outside the context, intense discussions and reflections still occur on-site.





Many viewpoints are imprinted in our minds.

  • "The great Internet never forgets."
  • "Has it overturned traditional elites and replaced them with technical elites? Isn't that the same old wine in a new bottle?"
  • "Thank you for allowing more people to approach 'modern civilization.'"



The power of communication#

What will the future of the digital age be like?

The personal experiences and feelings of the four main discussants in the book "Crypto Punk" have given us a brand new perspective.

As more and more people pay attention to the encryption trend, traditional power structures and economic orders are already "being" reexamined and reshaped.

And all of this is rooted in the present, confirming Gandhi's saying:

"The future depends on what we do in the present."

We look forward to this being the starting point for the exchange of ideas in the encryption trend.


Uncommons is a public space within the blockchain world where a group of Commons Builders collide with crypto-humanistic ideas. It was formerly known as the GreenPill Chinese community.

Uncommons TG: https://t.me/theuncommons
Uncommons Twitter: https://twitter.com/Un__commons

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