

Uncommons 是一群致力于公共物品建设的 Web3 爱好者、社会建设者和互联网公民自发组织的公益性社区,前身为GreenPill 中文社区。

We have gained courage to confront the world from each other's communication | "Cyberpunk" Joint Reading Event - Shenzhen Session

We have gained courage to confront the world from each other's communication, by TWONE.


There weren't many people at the Shenzhen event (less than 10). Moreover, almost no one had read the e-book, and there were many people from outside the web3 community. So we took the simplest and easiest way to lead everyone in reading together.


At the beginning, I played a video of Assange's show for everyone while waiting for others to arrive.

While watching the video, I introduced the characters and background in a simple manner, and at the same time, I told everyone that crypto punks itself is a dialogue-based book. Today, we can consider ourselves as early crypto punks, and we are the people sitting together discussing in the video.

I asked everyone present to think about why they wanted to participate in this crypto punk book club today, what topics they wanted to discuss, and how they understood crypto punks.

As a result, the atmosphere of this book club started to build up. From the silence of not knowing each other at the beginning, everyone started to express their understanding of crypto, and different people had different opinions, so the discussion was intense, and even needed to be controlled from the beginning.

Therefore, the first insight from the retrospective summary is:

With few people, different backgrounds, and a common curiosity about crypto punks, after a simple introduction by the leader (video, oral introduction, etc.), asking questions and encouraging discussions will quickly break the ice on the scene, and through communication, everyone will have a preliminary understanding of the topic.

At this point, we started reading, which is much more effective than directly leading the reading.

Because the text of this book is very powerful, I also did two things:

First, I used EVA's text template to create a few images. I told everyone: The crypto punk ideology is similar to the third impact that the world is facing, the world is changing, and humanity is awakening (quietly promoting).


Second: Because the text is indeed very powerful, I even made 3 pages of PPT, specifically showing the original text from the crypto punk book, and asked everyone to read it together:


Follow-up and Feedback#

Overall, the effect was very good! Here are some positive feedback:

Because I brought some Green Pill books (Green Pill+Impact DAO) to the Shenzhen event, when people hadn't arrived yet, I briefly introduced the ideas that Green Pill wants to convey and what Uncommons is doing to the early attendees.



After listening, some attendees asked about the content of the courseware and wanted to buy the two Green Pill books.

  • Since the books are not for sale, I recommended downloading the electronic version from the official website and this friend joined our Telegram group and introduced themselves.

  • After reading the content in the Telegram channel, they recommended our articles to others and set an alarm to attend our quarterly meeting and ask questions.

  • I also received this comment: "Thank you for bringing more people closer to modern civilization." To be honest, I rarely participate in offline activities, but at this moment, I suddenly realized the significance of offline activities.

  • The idea of Green Pill has spread to a farther place: I also gave two books to friends from Changsha who came to listen to the sharing. They are planning to set up a living room in Changsha, so now Changsha also has our books.

  • In terms of content: One of the audience friends is studying labor issues and is very interested in digital labor. I told her about Fang Ting's article from the previous CCC and some attempts by the Uncommons community to combine blockchain with offline activities, and she was super interested.

  • The group of people who didn't believe or even questioned cryptocurrencies, after listening to the sharing and discussions, started to believe in and recognize cryptocurrencies, and even prepared to buy some Bitcoin themselves (crossed out): This should be one of the biggest surprises of this event.

  • At the beginning of the reading, a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses came, and he spoke in non-standard Mandarin and asked some very basic questions. As a result, after the conversation, he thought cryptocurrencies were a good thing, and a friend even planned to teach him how to buy some. Later, I found out that he was the local landlord with a whole storefront 😂


Communication is really important!!

Thoughts are the greatest public goods, and I won't deceive you.

We have gained from each other's communication, we have grown, and we have gained courage to confront the world.

I think this is the significance of the Crypto Thoughts Twenty Cities event.

Thanks to the supporting friends, Zhou Momo, Xiaoyu, Shiyu, K, and others...

Uncommons is a public sphere where a collective of Commons Builders explores Crypto Thoughts together.

Uncommons is a corner of the blockchain world, a public space, where a group of builders of public goods collide with crypto-humanistic thoughts. It was formerly known as the GreenPill Chinese community.

Uncommons TG: https://t.me/theuncommons
Uncommons Twitter: https://twitter.com/Un__commons

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